Where do I start? I'll start with how 2015 was for me. 2015 was honestly a year of new experiences for me everywhere. I learned a lot about myself and others. I went places and met new people. Started new ideas and things (*cough* this blog*cough*). What I learned most about myself is that i'm a lot stronger than I think I am, and I'm also a lot more mature than I act. I know that I can be a little immature at times and socially inappropriate but thats me. So overall 2015 was a good year for me.
2016. You my friend are not starting the way I imagined. I'm transferring schools and I start 2016 at a new school in 2 days. Going through this process, people close to me were upset and disappointed and I've been pretty chill about it. It just hit me tonight while I am writing this the at the people I see everyday. I won't see those same people. It's honestly in a way one of the scariest experiences of my life. The only reason I think that is because I've known most of these people my whole life and to walk away from to have to go and make new friends and adjust to new classes and a new environment is scary. I honestly have really good friends to help me with that and something even better. I have faith in God. I have faith that he will help me along this journey of reestablishing. So my goal for 2016 is too look towards God and to just enjoy friendship and life. I think i can get by on that.
Whoo! Are you crying? I mean because i'm not... I'm just making a stir fry. Stir fry requires onion and onions make your eyes water. So 2015 is ova! and 2016 is in! Hope everyone has their resolutions in. I know I don't have mine.. :) I'm out. Stay golden and bless up!
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